Marvel is fast becomming a favourite theme over here at Light My Bricks, between the Venom and Carnage helmets and the recently released LEGO Infinity Gauntlet set we've been busy lighting up these dynamic display pieces. But, we knew we well and truly had our work cut out for us once the Daily Bugle was announced!

Measuring a towering 82cm tall, with 3772 pieces used to create 5 separate levels of Marvel mayhem, the Daily Bugle is definitely an 18+ set! You know the team here at LMB wasn't intimidated or deterred at all by the enormous size of the Bugle - we always relish the challenge. Add to cart thank you very much!
Once our local postman delivered the extra large LEGO package, we tore into those bags faster than Spiderman swings through a block of New York City skyscrapers!
We must say, a surprisingly enjoyable build overall! At first due to its sheer size, we may have over estimated its complexity. It ended up taking as much time and skill as a Modular Building more or less... well perhaps a little longer on the LMB clock - we did get side tracked playing with all those minifigures! 25 in total!

Once the build was complete, it was time to wire the building and light the levels of the comic-world's most famous newspaper!
While visually it appears different, our design team approached this task like any other Modular Building - start with the base and work upwards!
Also like Modular Buildings, we divided each level with a set of Wireless Connectors, however a fairly significant challenge presented itself quite quickly - the abundance of window bricks in this set meant that there were significantly less opportunities to properly conceal the wires. Adding to that issue was the enormous size of the set naturally meant that there were even more wires than a standard Modular Building. A perfect storm kind of problem!

But, like previously mentioned, our team here at LMB relish a challenge and all it took was some extra time, consideration and creative brick problem solving skills to make sure this set was as neat and tidy as any other! All kinds of techniques were used on this one. A personal favourite being the 'braid' technique used to make sure Firestar's flickering effects is what catches your eye - not the wires that make it possible!

Another obviously awesome feature of the Daily Globe set is the huge rooftop sign and digital billboard display, just like any respectable newspaper building needs! it was important to highlight these details properly, so care was taken to select the correct colour bit lights. First attempted was regular white, which proved to be too warm. This is a high-paced, inner city hub of action and activity, not a cosy cabin in the woods! Cool white gave the billboard that digital glow and the rooftop sign that neon night spotlight buzz!
Perhaps the most excited breakthrough achieved with this set was the first official vertical use of our Wireless Connectors!
This is something we've been playing around with behind the scenes for a long time, but finally we had the right set to implement it on. The trick is the plates still need to be set horizontally to function correctly! As you can see demonstrated here here, when you remove the section of window that Green Goblin exits through (couldn't he have used the door like everyone else?) while the top of the section is connected and removed vertically, the bottom is connected flat allowing for the perfect placement of our Wireless Connectors!
These crafty connection also allow you to recreate a scene fit for the silver screen wherein the lights of the globe are blown out, but the Green Goblins firey flight is still flickering! What a thrill!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! That about does it for this weeks edition of the Light My Bricks Blog! Keep an eye on your inbox for more breaking news in the future and keep an eye out for a certain Marvel universe golden glove snapping it's way into the LMB universe soon!